Monday, March 29, 2010

Full game model complete. Final model is only 3,546 polys and has a 1024x1024 Diffuse, Specular and normal maps.
This model will be seen in game very soon. Hooray for that :) Its always great to actually see my work in a game. Once the game is made public I will be sure to make a post about it.

Overall I am very happy with the way this model came out. It took me about a day and half more then I wanted to spend on it but still completed it in about 5 days. I learned my lessons from doing previous normal mapped models and applied them to this one which really made the normal map process much easier this time around.
Previous normal map endeavors had been very frustrating and filled with problems and smoothing errors because I had built the models wrong. Now that I have successfully completed the full process with little or no problems I feel that I am ready to tackle bigger next-gen game projects.
Also this marks a pretty successful start with a new client which is great. Hopefully lots more work like this to come in the near future.

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